Pearson VUE Exam Testing Center - Wingz Technologies - 09840004562.
Pearson Details - Wingz Technologies - 09840004562.
Our centre has been approved by the Pearson & VUE Testing Centre.
Registering for the Exam
Please walk through Wingz Technologies for Registration.
Appearing for the Exam
After the exams has been registered check your email sent from Pearson VUE and follow the instructions.
On the day of Exam, please reach to the testing center 15 to 30 minutes before the exam starting time.
Exam Requirements:
Wingz Technologies strictly following VUE policies and procedures and will never allow any candidate to sit in the exam if not meeting the requirements. Candidates are not allowed to take any material into the testing center to assist with the exam. Necessary scrap paper and stationery will be provided. which must be returned to the test center upon exam completion.
Valid ID Proof
Driver’s license
School & College ID
Credit Card
Pan Card
Test taker frequently asked questions
The testing center features
1. Free parking
2. Pre-scheduled appointments are recommended, but walk-ins are accepted when seating is available
3. Near Chennai Airport
Please call us @ +91-44-65622200, SMS +91-9840004562. or Email your queries to &
Pearson VUE delivers exams for the following organizations.
Wingz Technologies
Address: Plot No 18, Ground Floor , New Colony,
14th Cross Extension, Elumalai Nagar,
Chromepet. Chennai - 600044.
Phone: +91-044 65622200
Mobile: +91 98400 04562